Tuesday October 22nd, 2013: This day we decided to tackle the last few caches leading to our 1,000th find. We never really settled on what kind of cache would be the magical 1,000, we just went for it. We ended up with 1 multi, 1 mystery, and 5 traditionals to push us to 1,001 finds! We also DNF'd on 2 multis - one of which I believe was an error on my part, and the other I truly think the final has disappeared. Finally, we found the first stage of 'Slender' - an elaborate and exciting story multi (more to follow on that entertaining cache later)!
Number 1,000 was just a plain ammo can hide. Nothing too extraordinary, but tons of fun and lots of goodies! Our plan was to end the day there, and enjoy having a nice even number of finds. However, while enjoying our evening of television and ice cream, we received a 'publish' notification. A quick look at the cache description and we knew we had a shot at FTF! Just a short 8 minute drive to GZ revealed lots of muggle traffic, but nobody searching. After an exhaustive search, we made FTF for our 1,001st cache!
Now, just a short week later - I start our blog. Why a Geocaching blog? Well, it's an idea I've been wrestling with for a long time. I have hide ideas I'd like to get out of my head and onto 'paper', some adventures are just too involved for a simple 'found it' log entry, and I love sharing our journeys!
And so it begins - at a milestone find: Our Geo-blog! Let's cache!